Friday, February 3, 2012

RIM Offers PlayBook Promotion to Developers

by Holly Shoemaker

Research in Motion (RIM) continues to employ marketing strategies to remain relevant in the tablet and app world. Through February 13, 2012, Android developers who port an Android app to the PlayBook will receive a free tablet.

This is the latest attempt to make up for disappointing BlackBerry sales. In particular, the PlayBook underperformed in the United States in 2011. In January, RIM reduced the price for all PlayBook models. This move suggests that by offering a promotion, developers will create code for RIM’s mobile platform.

Concluding Thoughts

The logic behind this seems flawed. Individual consumers benefit from receiving a free device more than developers. App developers need exposure – Google and Apple house more apps, which means developers have the opportunity to make more profits. The PlayBook does not have the ability to offer the same amount of apps to entice Android developers. In addition, consumers will need to have this tablet or the ability to run the apps they want. While this keeps RIM in the news, there is no long-term incentive for developers.

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