Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Time to Charge Again? Battery Life Complaints Extend Beyond the iPhone 4S

by Holly Shoemaker

When Apple released the iPhone 4S, users complained about the short battery life. In response, Apple said that the shortened battery life had something to do with its new operating system, the iOS 5. While Apple has since released an update, the iOS 5.0.1, iPhone users are still dissatisfied with the battery life of the phone. Some customers claim that the update has made the situation worse. Apple has again responded and says that the update to iOS 5.0.2 will fix the diminished battery life issue.

Battery issues do not apply to just the iPhone 4S. Smartphones in general have issues with power consumption. Smartphones also run automatic updates. The myTouch 4G automatically runs updates, which also decreases its battery life. Avid myTouch 4G users typically charge their phones once or twice a day. Ultimately, when we want speed, we will need to make some sacrifices. I am not saying that consumers do not have the right to get upset regarding battery issues. At the same time, users need to take into consideration how much they use their phones and in what capacities.

Concluding Thoughts

The issue regarding battery life does have the ability to influence the overall Smartphone industry. When users purchase their next Smartphones, they often compare the average battery life to help them make their decisions. For apps developers, users will spend more time downloading apps when they spend less time charging their phones.

Should App Developers Release Updates During the Holidays?

by Holly Shoemaker

As I have discussed in previous blogs, scheduling and releasing app updates is an important way of keeping consumers interesting in apps. As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approaches, many people have already developed their action plans on how to tackle days that many view as sporting events.
For app developers, these days and the upcoming holiday season many mean something different. Developers who want consumers to have access to an app for Black Friday or Cyber Monday would have already released them to consumers. Developers also know that apps released to the Apple Store need to be in place prior to December 22, 2011. Apple shutdowns access to its iTunes content from December 22, 2011 through December 29, 2011. That means that new apps will not show up in the store during this time and Apple will delay the delivery of updates.

Concluding Thoughts
App developers who want to market their apps during the holiday season already know if they have realistic goals – it depends on the development stage of the apps. In addition, developers should have research available to guide them on if this holiday season provides a good time to release an app – it also depends on the app type and the targeted audience.